
A Covenant for Our Work Together
A Covenant for Our Work Together
A covenant is an agreement between people;
it is more of a good faith pledge or a promise than a contract;
it is relational not transactional.
I understand our work together to be of a covenantal nature, a good faith pledge to journey together for a time in order to listen for the deep desires and longing within you, and the voice of Wisdom in your life. Through listening and reflecting in a confidential setting of support and encouragement, we seek freedom from limiting patterns in order to be a more Loving Presence in the world and to be better able to receive the love that is available.
The following offers guidelines for our work together:
Commitment: As a professional guide, I commit to listen with you for the voice of Wisdom and to help you notice the Spirit’s movement in your life. Prayer, understood in a broad sense, is at the heart of all inner work so I ask you to commit yourself to a regular prayer practice between our visits, and I promise to pray for you as well. There are many ways to understand prayer, and we can discuss the possibilities that seem right for you.
Scheduling: Ordinarily we will meet for one hour each month, but we can meet more or less frequently as needed. After a few sessions, we will evaluate the “fit” of the relationship, how well this is meeting your needs and whether to continue.
Location: Meetings are typically via Zoom. If you live within the Pittsburgh area, in-person meetings can be made possible.
Fee: My hourly rate is $80. I ask you, however, to pay according to your ability with the understanding that as your financial situation changes, you will increase or decrease the fee accordingly. Payments can be made by check, major credit cards, Venmo (@CultivatingAwareness) or PayPal (
Cancellation: Out of respect for my time, please provide at least a 24-hour notice to cancel or re-schedule if at all possible..
Confidentiality: Our conversations are always confidential. Please know though that It is customary for practitioners to periodically consult with one another; this is done with sensitivity and discretion and, insofar as possible, without the use of identifying information. Those being consulted, of course, are also committed to respectfully maintain confidentiality. If for some reason I am concerned that you are at risk of harming yourself or someone else, I will discuss this with you. If are unable to take the necessary protective actions, I will take steps to do so on your behalf. I am also committed to reporting any concerns I have that a child or an elderly adult might be at risk. Be assured that, when appropriate, I will talk with you about this before taking action.