Groups & Retreats...
Groups & Retreats...
An Enneagram Study Group
An Enneagram Study Group

The Enneagram is a comprehensive system of liberation and transformation...liberating us from habitual patterns and transforming us for the purpose of living from a place of greater love and interior freedom. Because it is so complex we will approach it with a spirit of curiosity and a light touch!
In 2022 I am facilitating a monthly Enneagram Study group, on Zoom,
through East Liberty Presbyterian Church
The group meets from 12:15 - 1:30 PM the 3rd Monday of the month* at no cost to the participants except for the purchase of the text being used: The Sacred Enneagram by Christopher Heuertz.
Personal Enneagram Typing Interviews are also available on Zoom for group participants. Suggested donation $25-$50.
Windows to Inner Wisdom: a day retreat
Windows to Inner Wisdom: a day retreat
I have been invited to lead Calvin Presbyterian' Church's Fall Retreat and it is open to all curious seekers!
- Date: September 24,2022
- Time:: from 9:30-3:00
- Where: at David and Vicky English’s Glen Eden Barn, 231 Dufford Road, Evans City, PA 16033
During the morning session of the retreat (9:30-12:00) I will provide information about our 3 Centers of Intelligence, the 3 ways we take in information and make sense of our life experiences. We will engage in some awareness exercises, talk about harmonizing these centers and reflect on the implications for our relationship with God and the Beloved Community.
The afternoon session (1pm -3pm) there will have several options for you to choose from!

Silent Retreats
Silent Retreats
"If you don't come apart for a while, you will come apart after a while." ~Dallas Willard
to distract us from pain and to keep our nervous systems in check.
To be in right relationship with ourselves and others we must interrupt these patterns.
To be in communion with all that has life, we must slow down & enter into the silence.
I offer several Silent retreat options throughout the year:
- Seasonally I host a small group of individuals who are seeking an experience of Silence in community.
- Personal and small group silent retreats with or without spiritual direction can be made available upon request.
- Customized: You invite the group and reserve a retreat center. I will work with you to determine the group's needs, to suggest a structure & offer resources. I will then be on-site to facilitate & provide spiritual direction.

"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you." ~Anne Lamott